Singing Guide: My Mother the Car

Singing Guide: My Mother the Car

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to sing like a professional can seem daunting, but with the right attitude and practical approach, you can become a great singer. One singer that has been known for her unique vocal techniques is Ann Sothern. Here are some tips to help you learn to sing like her.

The first step to learning to sing like Ann is to understand her unique vocal technique. Ann has a powerful voice that is both strong and soft at the same time. Her pitch accuracy is exceptional, and she has a natural vibrato that is both controlled and beautiful. To learn how to emulate these qualities, it's important to practice singing with good posture and breath support. You can learn more about breath support in this Singing Carrots article on active and passive breathing.

Another important aspect of Ann's vocal technique is her use of twang and belting techniques. These techniques help her to achieve a powerful, yet controlled, sound that sets her apart from other singers. You can learn more about these techniques in this Singing Carrots article on contemporary vocal techniques.

When it comes to finding songs that showcase Ann's unique vocal style, look no further than her rendition of "My Mother the Car." This classic song from the 1960s showcases Ann's natural vibrato and powerful voice. To learn how to sing "My Mother the Car" like Ann, check out Singing Carrots range test to determine your vocal range and search for the song in a key that works for you. You can find the range test here, and search for the song here.

As you practice singing like Ann, be sure to monitor your progress using Singing Carrots' progress statistics tool. This tool can help you track your improvement over time and identify areas that still need work.

In addition to the resources mentioned above, Singing Carrots offers a variety of other tools, articles and videos to help you improve your singing. Be sure to visit our vocal pitch monitor tool to see your sung notes on a virtual piano and our pitch accuracy test to assess your pitch accuracy. You can find these tools and more at and youtube channels shared by singingcarrots team.

Becoming a great singer like Ann Sothern takes time and dedication, but with practice and patience, you can achieve your goals. Remember to practice regularly, use Singing Carrots' resources to your advantage, and don't forget to have fun!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.